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Getting Started with PwingEco API

Adding PwingEco to Your Project





repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compileOnly 'com.pwing:pwingeco:1.0.0'

Basic Usage Getting the Plugin Instance

PwingEco pwingEco = (PwingEco) Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin(“PwingEco”);

Currency Management

CurrencyManager currencyManager = pwingEco.getCurrencyManager();

// Get a currency Optional currency = currencyManager.getCurrency("dollars");

// Get primary currency Currency primary = currencyManager.getPrimaryCurrency();

// Get all currencies Collection currencies = currencyManager.getAllCurrencies();

Creating Custom Currencies

Currency customCurrency = new Currency( “Gems”, // name “⛃”, // symbol false, // primary itemStack, // physical representation true, // tradeable description // list of descriptions );


Economy Operations

EconomyManager economyManager = pwingEco.getEconomyManager();

// Check balance double balance = economyManager.getBalance(player.getUniqueId(), currency);

// Add funds economyManager.deposit(player.getUniqueId(), currency, amount);

// Remove funds economyManager.withdraw(player.getUniqueId(), currency, amount);

Shop Integration

Getting the Shop API

ShopIntegrationAPI shopAPI = pwingEco.getShopIntegrationAPI();

Processing Transactions

// Handle a purchase
boolean purchaseSuccess = shopAPI.processPurchase(player, "Gems", 500.0);
if (purchaseSuccess) {
    // Purchase successful
// Handle a sale
boolean saleSuccess = shopAPI.processSale(player, "Coins", 100.0);
if (saleSuccess) {
    // Sale successful

Balance Operations

// Check if player can afford purchase
double balance = shopAPI.getCurrencyBalance(player.getUniqueId(), "Diamonds");
if (balance >= cost) {
    // Proceed with transaction

Transaction Best Practices Currency Validation

Always verify currency existence before transactions:

Optional<Currency> currency = pwingEco.getCurrencyManager().getCurrency("Gems");
if (currency.isPresent()) {
    // Safe to proceed

Error Handling

try {
    boolean success = shopAPI.processPurchase(player, "Gems", amount);
    if (!success) {
        // Handle failed transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
    // Handle unexpected errors

Multi-Currency Support

// Example handling multiple currencies in a shop
for (String currencyName : shop.getAcceptedCurrencies()) {
    double price = shop.getPrice(currencyName);
    if (shopAPI.getCurrencyBalance(player.getUniqueId(), currencyName) >= price) {
        // Process with this currency

Skript Integration

PwingEco provides native Skript support for easy scripting. Available syntaxes:

Get player balance

[pwingeco] balance of %player% [in %string%]
%player%'s [pwingeco] balance [in %string%]

Give/add money

give %number% [of] [pwingeco] %string% to %player%
add %number% [of] [pwingeco] %string% to %player%'s balance

Take/remove money

take %number% [of] [pwingeco] %string% from %player%
remove %number% [of] [pwingeco] %string% from %player%'s balance

Check if player has money

[pwingeco] %player% has [at least] %number% [of] [pwingeco] %string%


    take 100 dollars from player
    remove 100 dollars from player
    player has 100 dollars
    pwingeco player has at least 50 gems
    player has 75 of pwingeco coins
    pwingeco player has at least 1000 of pwingeco diamonds

Currency Events

PwingEco provides events for tracking currency changes:

Skript Events

Track currency increases and decreases: skript

Currency gained

on player gained 100 of coins:
    broadcast "%player% received %number% %string%!"

Currency spent

on pwingeco player spent 50 of gems:
    send "Purchase complete!"

Event Patterns

Currency Increase:

    [on] [pwingeco] %player% (gain[ed]|receiv(e|ed)) %number% [of] [pwingeco] %string%

Currency Decrease:

    [on] [pwingeco] %player% (lost|spent) %number% [of] [pwingeco] %string%