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Creating Currencies

Using Commands

Create currencies in-game using the admin command:

/currencyadmin create <name> <symbol> <primary>


/currencyadmin create Gems ⛃ false

Physical Currency Setup

Create the currency using the command above
Hold the item you want to represent the currency
Use /currencyadmin edit <name> to set the item

Configuration File

You can also create currencies directly in the config.yml:

    name: "Gems"
    symbol: "⛃"
    primary: false
      material: EMERALD
      display-name: "&aGem"
        - "&7A precious currency"
    global: true
    enabled-worlds: []
    tradeable: true
      - "Premium currency"
      - "Used for special items"

Currency Properties

name: Display name shown in messages
symbol: Currency symbol for formatting
primary: Set to true for main server currency
global: Whether currency works in all worlds
enabled-worlds: Specific worlds where currency is valid
tradeable: Whether players can exchange this currency
description: Lore/description of the currency